
Showing posts from December, 2021

Apollo 11 mission: who was the only woman present at the launch?

While women did not go to the moon, they were essential in the Apollo 11 Mission. 52 years ago, 450 million people followed live the first step of a man on the moon: that of Neil Armstrong. If women have not (yet?) Been to the moon, they were essential in the Apollo 11 Mission .  "You should know, for example, that the computer program of the lunar module, that is to say the computer program which piloted the lunar module according to the instructions given to the joystick by  Neil Armstrong  and  Buzz Aldrin,  the computer scientist in charge of c 'was Margaret Hamilton, " recalls Olivier Sanguy, head of space news

United States: policewoman convicted of manslaughter of young black driver

Daunte Wright, 20, was killed during a traffic stop in April in suburban Minneapolis. An American policewoman who killed a young African-American driver during a traffic stop in April in the suburbs of Minneapolis was convicted Thursday, December 23, of manslaughter. Kim Potter, 49 , has always claimed to have believed she drew her electric Taser gun when she actually pulled out her service weapon and shot Daunte Wright, 20, who was resisting arrest in Brooklyn Center in the upstates. -United. The jury found her guilty of manslaughter after three days of deliberations in a court in Minneapolis, where this drama had reopened the wounds of the murder of George Floyd . "Her remorse and regret for this incident is overwhelming," her lawyer Paul Engh said after the verdict, asking the judge to release her on bail. "She is in no way a danger to the public," he said. The former policewoman faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison in total and is expected to be determ...

North American hostages kidnapped in Haiti by gangs actually escaped

The 12 members of the North American missionary group who were freed last Thursday after two months at the hands of a gang in Haiti escaped themselves in the middle of the night, according to their organization's account. Their release was actually a leak. The 12 members of the group of North American missionaries who were freed on Thursday, December 16 , after two months at the hands of a gang in Haiti, in fact escaped themselves in the middle of the night, their organization said Monday, December 20. religious. On October 16, the Christian Aid Ministries group, made up of 17 people including five children, was kidnapped after visiting an orphanage , west of the capital Port-a...

Covid-19: lightning spread of the Omicron variant

The Omicron variant of Covid-19 affects many people in the United States and could gradually spread to other countries such as France.  A screening center installed in Time Square, in New York (United States), welcomes more than 200 people on Tuesday, December 21. Americans get tested three days before Christmas to see if they have been infected with the Omicron variant of Covid-19. Last week in the country, two out of three contaminations with the virus were linked to this variant, against one in ten the week before. The fear of a massive spread in France In certain regions of France, we fear that the Omicron variant will become the majority, as in Île-de-France, for example. "Every two days, the number of cases identified as potentially being Omicron doubles" , underlines Florence Débarre, health data officer at the CNRS. Across France, 7% to 9% of Covid cases are currently linked to Omicron. A variant therefore more contagious than Delta but not necessarily more dangerous.

Climate: climate change is accelerating

A few days after the deadly tornadoes that ravaged the landscape of several states of the United States including Kentucky, journalist Marine Zambrano takes stock of global warming on the globe.   While deadly tornadoes have touched several states in the United States, other events occurring around the world reflect an acceleration in global warming.  The first edifying example, the record temperature of 38 ° was recorded in the Arctic, in the   north  of Russia, on June 20, 2020.  " Never has such a level of heat been reached in the Arctic in summer, " recalls the journalist.  In the south, in Antarctica, " the buried cracks of the

Rusi odbacuju ubod Sputnjika i kreću na zapad po cjepiva

Putovanja u EU i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo zabranjuju bum u putovanju u Srbiju radi ovlaštenog cijepljenja protiv Covida. Kada je Denis Ovčinikov ovog ljeta pročitao vijest da njegovo rusko cjepivo Sputnik V neće biti priznato u Europi, odlučio je uzeti stvari u svoje ruke i planirao je put u Beograd. “Kontaktirao sam putničku agenciju koja je sve riješila. Bilo je vrlo lako. I ja sam od toga napravio mali odmor, između dva Pfizera, rekao je Ovchinnikov, koji radi u PR agenciji u Sankt Peterburgu. Kada je Rusija postala prva zemlja koja je registrirala i masovno proizvodila cjepivo krajem 2020., predsjednik Vladimir Putin se nadao da će to omogućiti da se zemlja otvori brže od njenih zapadnih rivala. No,...

Chile abrirá fronteras a nacionales vacunados y residentes extranjeros a partir de la próxima semana

El Gobierno de Chile ha anunciado que abrirá las fronteras del país desde el 26 de julio para nacionales vacunados y residentes extranjeros. El país cerró por completo sus fronteras el pasado mes de abril y hasta ahora ha exigido a cualquier persona autorizada que observe una cuarentena obligatoria en un hotel sanitario, medida que seguirá en vigor para los no vacunados. El país cerró por completo sus fronteras el pasado mes de abril y hasta ahora ha exigido a cualquier persona autorizada que observe una cuarentena obligatoria en un hotel sanitario, medida que seguirá en vigor para los no vacunados. Actualmente, el 86% de la población objetivo ha recibido al menos una dosis y 11,9 de los 19 millones de habitantes ya han recibido el tratamien...